Hi everyone, hope you all are doing fine???.I was surfing the web today as usual and decided to bring this useful Tech to you all. Have you ever thought if you could play/pause the video being played on your system by just raising your hand? If yes, then this is possible with Flutter. Flutter is an application for both Mac And Windows that allows you to control your Windows Music Player, Winamp, VLC, iTunes, Spotify, etc. through hand gestures. The App makes use of your webcam to sense your hand.

What You Require To Use Flutter :
- A PC with Windows or Macintosh installed.
- A webcam, either external or the Laptop’s internal webcam.
- A supported media player, full list is given on the official website
How To Use Flutter :
- Just install the Flutter app from their official site.
- Run the app and start an audio or a video file in any one of the supported media players.
- Make sure your webcam is working properly and just raise your hand in front of your webcam and see the magic.
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